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‘The Europe we want is for all ages!’ – AGE launches its European elections campaign

Brussels, 21 February 2019

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As Europe is facing a period of major political disarray, citizens stand up to call for the Europe they want. Joining the movement, AGE Platform Europe is launching its European elections campaign with seven concrete demands to achieve a Europe inclusive of all ages.

In time of political turmoil, citizens have always organised themselves to find a way out that will eventually help to shape a more desirable future. This time makes no exception: during the last term, citizens – including older ones – took again to the streets and new forms of solidarity arose. The upcoming European elections which will be held between 23 and 26 May 2019 will be another opportunity for citizens to make their voice heard.

Such key political momentum must be seized to get the EU we want!

AGE members feel a collective responsibility to ensure that the next European elections will launch a new vision for the European Union shaped for and by its citizens. AGE campaign toolkit and elections blog will help citizens to inspire each other and echo whether or not candidate MEPs are taking the pledge of leaving no one behind.

“Officially launched about 100 days before the elections, AGE campaign for the European elections will now run all over Europe through our members. Older persons feel concerned about how current and future generations will be able to live together if we do not act now”, says Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary General.

Make your Members of European Parliament accountable

From the Iberian peninsula to Scandinavia, groups of older citizens have already started to call out to candidate MEPs to defend our European core values of non-discrimination, equality and solidarity and bring AGE Manifesto to their attention.

The message is simple: “the Europe we want is for all ages!”. To explain to future MEPs what they can do for that, AGE Manifesto elaborates on seven concrete recommendations:

  1. Enhance older persons’ rights through combating ageism;
  2. Ensure a life-course perspective on work and create inclusive labour markets;
  3. Ensure adequate pension and old-age income for both women and men;
  4. Protect the right to age in dignity through adequate long-term care;
  5. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages;
  6. Enable universal access to goods and services in today’s digitalised society;
  7. Empower older citizens to fully participate in the social and democratic life.

These recommendations were officially presented to Members of the European Parliament on Wednesday 20th February 2019 at an Inter-Party debate in the European Parliament premises in Brussels, Belgium, hosted by MEP Jean Lambert (Greens, UK).

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