AGE warmly welcomes EMA new geriatric medicines strategy!

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 25 February 2011 Launch of EMA strategy on medicines for older people AGE warmly welcomes EMA new geriatric medicines strategy! “Considering the ageing of the EU population and the financial pressure on healthcare systems, the need to have better tailor-made medicines for older people and access to reliable, unbiased and independent information […]

NGO Coalition on Intergenerational Solidarity welcomes EPSCO decision to declare 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

JOINT PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 8 December 2010 NGO Coalition on Intergenerational Solidarity welcomes EPSCO decision to declare 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations We are pleased that the EPSCO Council supported our call and has decided to extend the title for the proposed European Year 2012 to “Active Ageing and Solidarity […]

Launch of the European Year of Volunteering 2011: Older volunteers bring a highly valuable contribution to society’s well-being and intergenerational solidarity!

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 3rd December 2010 Launch of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 Older volunteers bring a highly valuable contribution to society’s well-being and intergenerational solidarity! “The launch of the European Year 2011 of Volunteering is a time to celebrate! Let’s hope that the Year will highlight the huge contribution that older volunteers bring […]

Third European Demography Forum: Active Ageing means more than working longer

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 23 November 2010 Third European Demography Forum Active Ageing means more than working longer “To meet our demographic challenge, we need to do much more than just extend working lives” said Anne-Sophie Parent, Director of AGE Platform Europe at the 3rd EU Demography Forum in Brussels. “We need also to empower older […]

AGE Platform Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s call for a greater solidarity between generations

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 11th November 2010 AGE Platform Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s call for a greater solidarity between generations “We are delighted with the adoption today in plenary of Thomas Mann’s own initiative report by such an overwhelming majority[1]”, said Anne-Sophie Parent, Director of AGE Platform Europe. “The report reflects the recommendations of youth, […]

Don’t let the crisis deprive older people of their fundamental rights!

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 4 November 2010 60th Anniversary of the European Convention of Fundamental Rights (en français plus bas) Don’t let the crisis deprive older people of their fundamental rights! “We should be rejoicing today but the austerity measures introduced recently in some Member States are depriving many older people of their fundamental rights”, deplored […]

Reverse mortgage can’t solve Europe’s pension problems

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 27 September 2010 DEMHOW project final seminar on 27th October Reverse mortgage can’t solve Europe’s pension problems Wider access to reverse mortgage, which allow people to release the capital tied up in their homes, while continuing to live in them until their death, would provide only limited help in solving Europe’s pension […]

AGE open letter to the 9th Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 14 October 2010 9th Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion ‘Guarantee an adequate social protection to protect the most vulnerable old people, including older women’ On the eve of the 9th Round Table on Poverty and Social Inclusion on 18-19 October 2010, AGE sent an open letter to EU Ministries of […]

European Partnership Initiative on Healthy and Active Ageing

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 06 October 2010 European Partnership initiative AGE welcomes the very timely European Partnership Initiative on Healthy and Active Ageing “The European Partnership Initiative that is launched today by the European Commission will help create the supportive environment we need to promote healthy and active ageing and develop innovative solutions for our ageing […]

International Day of Older Persons – Mind the gender gap when reforming pensions!

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 30 September 2010 International Day of Older Persons, 1st October Mind the gender gap when reforming pensions! AGE urges EU governments to avoid creating additional sources of gender inequality by assessing and addressing the impact that their pension reforms will have on the many women who have to adapt their professional career […]

BelgPresidency Conference on EU Coordination in the Social Field

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 15 September 2010 Belgian Presidency Conference on ‘EU Coordination in the Social Field in the Context of Europe 2020: Looking Back and Building the Future’, La Hulpe, 14-15 September 2010 Time to clarify how Europe 2020 will deliver on all its social objectives! “We would like to know how the new Europe […]

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