Launch of new Europe-wide network on innovation for age-friendly environments

Brussels, 4th March 2014 Launch of new Europe-wide network on innovation for age-friendly environments According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age. Creating age-friendly environments is therefore one of the most effective approaches to respond […]

Council of Europe recognizes older people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms

Brussels, 20 February 2014 Council of Europe adopts first European instrument on the human rights of older persons Council of Europe recognizes older people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms 20 February 2014 / AGE welcomes the adoption by the Council of Europe of the first European instrument dealing specifically with the human rights of older […]

Growth must benefit all age and population groups, including the most vulnerable!

Brussels, 25 November 2013 Third Annual Convention on the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion 26-27 November, Brussels Growth must benefit all age and population groups, including the most vulnerable! Following the launch of the Annual Growth Survey for 2014 and at the eve of the third Annual Convention on Poverty, AGE calls on […]

AGE EP Manifesto suggests measures for a fair and sustainable Age-Friendly EU

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 5 November 2013 Launch of AGE Platform Europe Manifesto for the European elections 2014 AGE EP Manifesto suggests measures for a fair and sustainable Age-Friendly EU Today, ahead of the European Parliament’s elections in 2014, AGE Platform Europe is holding an event at the European Parliament to launch its Manifesto for the […]

The European Semester should rebalance social and economic objectives to achieve inclusive growth and ensure decent living for people of all ages

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 3 October 2013 Communication of the European Commission on the social dimension of European Monetary Union The European Semester should rebalance social and economic objectives to achieve inclusive growth and ensure decent living for people of all ages In line with the EC communication on the social dimension of the European Monetary […]

Older persons demand UN and EU action to ensure full and equal enjoyment of their rights

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 19 August 2013 United Nations: Older persons demand UN and EU action to ensure full and equal enjoyment of their rights 12-15/08/13: During the fourth session of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing which took place in New York, civil society organisations representing older people joined forces to highlight why they […]

Vodafone Foundation launches first Mobile for Good Europe Awards

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 28 May 2013 ‘Mobile for Good Europe Awards’ VODAFONE FOUNDATION LAUNCHES SEARCH FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL APPS Vodafone Foundation today announces the launch of the first Mobile for Good Europe Awards to search for iOS and Android apps designed to improve people’s lives and deliver substantial public benefit. Creators of the winning apps, in […]

Bringing together local and regional authorities across the EU to strengthen intergenerational solidarity

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 26 April 2013 European Day of Solidarity between Generations, 29th April Bringing together local and regional authorities across the EU to strengthen intergenerational solidarity AGE Platform Europe takes the opportunity of the European Day of Solidarity between Generations to call the European Commission to support an European Covenant on Demographic Change which […]

2012: a first step towards a truly age-friendly European Union

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 5 December 2012 European Year 2012 Closing Conference, Cyprus, 10 December 212 2012: a first step towards a truly age-friendly European Union “We are very satisfied with the large mobilisation around the European Year 2012 (EY2012)”, declares Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary-General. “The EY2012 has clearly highlighted the need to rethink our economic […]

Multiple discrimination in old age: a neglected issue

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 23 November 2012 Equality Summit 2012, 22-23 November Multiple discrimination in old age: A neglected issue On 22 November, on the occasion of the European Equality Summit 2012, the Commission published its Eurobarometer on ‘Discrimination in the EU in 2012’ which highlights the ongoing problem of age discrimination as the most prevalent […]

The voices of older ethnic minorities and migrants are not heard in Europe

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 12 November 2012 Ce communiqué est également disponible en français ici. Equality Summit, 22-23 November The voices of older ethnic minorities and migrants are not heard in Europe Older migrants and ethnic & religious minorities face specific challenges in Europe, for instance, in accessing care, the labour market, and being able to […]

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: With the persisting social crisis older people’s well-being and dignity are at stake!

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 17 October 2012 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2012 With the persisting social crisis older people’s well-being and dignity are at stake! National strategies to exit the crisis have been so far overwhelmingly driven by public finance austerity measures, often to the detriment of their social objectives. However, AGE believes […]

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