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Information Society and Media, within the 7th Framework Programme – focuses on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions based on advanced ICT technologies for the areas of aging at work, aging at homed and aging in the society.


AALIANCE aimed at

  • providing a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on strategically important issues in the field of Ambient Assisted Living
  • playing a key role in ensuring an adequate focus of research funding for AAL, in fostering effective public-private partnerships and in developing a European research policy, in particular in focusing on FP7 and on current activities launched by EU member states (AAL 169).

Therefore the immediate objectives of AALIANCE consisted of:

  • setting-up a sustainable network – starting with 14 partners to be extended to approx. 35 – involving companies as technology providers and systems integrators, service providers, research organisations and user associations
  • coordinating the various activities of European industry and research institutions in the field of Ambient Assisted Living,
  • preparing and maintaining a R&D roadmap and strategic research agenda (SRA) for AAL with a mid to long perspective
  • defining standardisation requirements providing recommendations for a European RTD policy on Ambient Assisted Living, and supporting European and national entities to increase political awareness and intensify activities for the enhancement of new AAL technologies.

Project duration: 01/01/2008 – 31/12/2010

For further details about the project please CLICK HERE

AALIANCE project comes to an end after 3 years of activities

After 3 years of activities the AALIANCE project ended on March 31st 2010. Its final conference was held in Malaga on March 11th-12th, where the most important findings of the AALIANCE project, i.e. the updated AAL research roadmap, the AAL strategic research agenda, an overview of the status of standardisation in the AAL domain, were presented. Moreover, 30 papers – selected from a call for papers – presented AAL technologies, system architectures and applications, as well as the importance of standards and interoperability. A session, chaired by Liz Mestheneos, AGE President was focused on the user perspective, while economic scenarios and business cases were discussed as well.

The conference was successful in widely disseminating and reflecting these significant results with a broad audience of AAL stakeholders that will be used to determining necessary further directions of AAL.

For more information on the activities undertaken by the AALIANCE project, please visit the AALIANCE website.

or contact” Ilenia Gheno

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