> Theme: long-term care, advocacy
> Timeline: from November 2020 to November 2023
> Keywords: long-term care, resilience, advocacy
Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities regarding poverty, long-term care, elder abuse and domestic violence, and mental health in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia)
Report: ‘Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans’: This study report examines the situation regarding long term care in the Western Balkans, including a comparative overview that shows similarities and differences to enable mutual learning and search for solutions.
- Long version of the report(that includes a foreword by AGE Platform Europe)
In addition to the regional study, local studies were developed for each project site within the initiative.
AGE involvement
AGE together with the European Disability Forum provided two trainings for civil society network in the region on
- Engaging with policy makers and advocating for policy change in the process of EU accession
- Strengthening advocacy networks for long-term care