ENGAGED – A Community for Active and Healthy Ageing

ENGAGED is a Thematic Network financed to build a learning community of stakeholders across Europe to nurture the emergence of innovative and sustainable active and healthy ageing services that make best use of technology. The project aims at working in close relationship to the European Innovation Parternship on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA).

This network encompasses stakeholders from different backgrounds and from different European countries, who are interested in learning from each other and together supporting the further deployment of innovative solutions to promote active and healthy ageing.

https://engaged-innovation.eu/ Twitter: @ENGAGEDinEurope Youtube: https://bit.ly/1bTP8Jj ” height=”384″ width=”341″>This community actively shapes the European active and healthy ageing agenda and delivers knowledge and guidelines on how regions can implement innovative solutions in this area.

Kicked-off in February 2013, ENGAGED has already led a Mutual Learning Workshop on Innovative Procurement and displayed its activism at the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forum in September 2013.

The Consortium and the Associated Partners are currently working on the clustering of stakeholders at European and regional level, and on a roadmap for the targeted deployment of solutions in selected European regions, while getting ready for the upcoming Conference on the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA).

For more detailed information, continue reading our newsletters:

The ENGAGED Community is open to everyone: join us!

Key in the establishment process of any community is the communication of its activities and the share of information among its members and beyond. Building a community needs the involvement of interested partners, willing to contribute and willing to learn from the work in progress of the community itself.

The ENGAGED Community is an open one, so if you also aim at:

–    Raising awareness on innovation and age-friendly environments


–     Promoting the transferability of evidence around what works and what doesn’t

–   Supporting regions to cooperate with a variety of stakeholders at regional level and implement innovative models and services


Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.?cc=ophelie.durand@age-platform.eu“>us

Visit our website https://engaged-innovation.eu/

Follow and interact in Twitter: @ENGAGEDinEurope

Watch and share videos on Youtube: https://bit.ly/1bTP8Jj

For more information, please contact Ilenia Ghenoor Ophélie Durand

Evidence on Impact – Mutual Learning Seminar

On 5-6 March 2014, experts in the area of evidence on impact of active and healthy ageing solutions will meet in Eindhoven to share their experience and knowledge on research methodologies and indicators for collecting evidence on impact. All experts on evidence on impact of active and healthy ageing solutions are invited to join this 2-day working event.

This event is a joint action between the Interreg IVC CASA project for the development of regional policy and exchange of knowledge around the up scaling of innovative services for independent living, the ENGAGED thematic network for active and healthy ageing and the C2 action group for deployment of innovative independent living solutions.

Testing grounds in Noord-Brabant

The regional innovation clusters in Noord-Brabant are running four testing grounds for large-scale deployment of independent living solutions. However, there is currently no joint European framework of methodologies for measuring the economic and social impact of independent living solutions. To be able to scale up independent living solutions there is a need to collect and share more evidence on impact across Europe.

Development of a joint methodology framework

During the seminar, experts will work together on the development of a joint methodology framework for monitoring the impact of active and healthy ageing solutions. CASA partner Scotland will send experts who will act as secondees and share knowledge with the innovation clusters in Noord-Brabant. Experts from the MAST instrument are also invited as CASA secondees. Furthermore, experts from the action groups, the monitor group and the Reference Sites of the European Partnership of Active & Healthy Ageing will attend the event.

The aim of the seminar is to develop a European framework for collecting data for evidence on impact. The framework will then be used at the testing grounds of the reference site of Noord-Brabant. The results will, of course, be shared across Europe.

Programme and registration

To register for the Evidence on Impact Mutual Learning Seminar in Eindhoven, please fill out the registration form below.

Registration form


Suggestions for hotels in the city centre 


User Empowerment – A Mutual Learning Seminar dedicated to the involvement of older people and their carers

This User Empowerment Mutual Learning Seminar, which took place in Eindhoven on 23 October 2013 in the light of the “Smart Health Meets Design” fair, has been conceived by ENGAGED partners Noord-Brabant, EHMA and AGE Platform Europe, as a moment for gathering different interested stakeholders around the table for a fruitful discussion about the empowerment of users.

The seminar was held in connection with the C2 Action Group of the EIP AHA, which identified the topic of “user involvement” as one the four major barriers to the deployment and uptake of innovative solutions in the European market for active and healthy ageing.

The workshop was based on the direct engagement of the audience via three interactive tables devoted to:

1. The benefits of user involvement

This round table highlighted good practices and lessons learnt when engaging with older people and carers. Benefits of user involvement was discussed, as well as the challenges that it embeds, in order to shape a toolkit meant to provide further guidance on the topic.

2. Developping a toolkit on user empowerment

This very practical session aimed at providing the key elements of a guidance document, building on past experiences while looking at the future of user engagement.

3. Understanding users

How can we really use the experience coming from the users? How can we better understand and involve them in both research and decision-making practices?

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