> Theme: integrated long-term care

> Timeline: February 2024 – January 2027

> Keywords: actionable policies, integrated care, long-term care


Develop actionable policies for adopting high-quality integrated long-term care

Expected Outcomes

  1. Develop a set of methods and tools for mapping and characterising integrated long-term care services in the EU, covering: availability and accessibility, affordability, reliability, quality, workforce, funding, governance, autonomy and empowerment, and supporting technologies; and transversally incorporating the gender perspective and regional differences (rural/urban gap).
  2. Undertake a field study in EU to identify the most successful innovative practices.
  3. Analyse the features of identified integrated long-term care services and context-dependent factors that provide insights into policies for the adoption/development of the best innovative practices, including supporting technologies.
  4. Use this analysis to carry out qualitative research in the EU to generate a consensus on actionable policies favouring a shift to integrated long-term care, by investigating the change management strategies that favour policy adoption.
  5. Produce a white paper on I-LTC that gathers together all the findings of the project and the consensually agreed actionable policies.
  6. Develop a set of training courses and tools to maximise the impact of the results.

AGE involvement

AGE will provide its expertise and ask for its members’ experiences on integrated long-term care across the lifespan of the project, namely by supporting the:

  • identification of frameworks on integrated long-term care and development of a LAUREL framework on integrated long-term care.
  • data collection on the implementation of integrated long-term care in European regions.
  • mapping of initiatives for long-term care.
  • building of consensus and endorsement of the actionable policies on integrated long-term care.
  • elaboration of a white paper and policy educational packages on integrated long-term care.


  • Coordinator: Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
  • Panaxea BV
  • International Foundation for Integrated Care
  • European Social Network
  • Social Economy Europe ASBL
  • Eurocarers
  • European Health Telematics Association
  • AGE Platform Europe
  • Universidad Politectnica de Madrid


Sofia Nunes

Project Officer

Vera Hörmann

Project Officer

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the  European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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