The projected joint research intends to create a high quality, multi-disciplinary critical mass of leading researchers in the closest possible partnership with stakeholders. Through a carefully planned iterative process, MOPACT will build a compendium of essential state-of-the-art and foresight intelligence upon which to develop the policy, practice, service and product developments and innovations required to make longevity an asset for social and economic development.
AGE will mainly work to enhance the participation of senior citizens, helping in the selection of case studies, providing feedback and inputs. With that regard, AGE will be in charge of the co-organisation, together with the University of Sheffield of two Stakeholder Forums bringing together policy makers, product developers, practitioners and civil society organisations, at European and national level, dedicated to the engagement of users.
For more information on the project, please contact Philippe Seidel,
Communication tools
Read here the summary of findings from MOPACT Active Ageing Forum (April 2015)