
Health and social care in Europe are often delivered in an uncoordinated way. The SmartCare project will formalise two care pathways and support their implementation and piloting in ten European regions. The individual pathway steps are described in local care plans which make use of modern ICT tools to allow health and social care professionals to deliver the best possible care to citizens and patients.

Against the background of the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing, SmartCare aims to define a common set of standard functional specifications for an open ICT platform enabling the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens.

A total of 24 regions and their key stakeholders will define a comprehensive set of integration building blocks around the challenges of data-sharing, coordination and communication. Ten regions will then pilot integrated health & social services to combat a range of threats to independent living commonly faced by older people while the other will prepare for early adoption. In a rigorous evaluation approach, the pilot will produce and document much needed evidence on the impact of integrated care, developing a common framework suitable for other regions in Europe. Guidelines and specifications for procuring, organising and implementing the service building blocks will be produced. The organisational and legal ramifications of integrated care will be analysed to support long term sustainability and upscaling of the services.

SmartCare services will provide full support to cooperative delivery of care, integrated with self-care and across organisational silos, including essential coordination tools such as shared data access, care pathway design and execution as well as real time communication support to care teams and multi-organisation access to home platforms. The services build on advanced ICT already deployed in the pilot regions including high penetrations of telecare and telemonitoring home platforms. System integration will be based, whenever possible, on open standards and multivendor interoperability will be strongly encouraged. The common services will allow efficient cooperative care delivery and empower all older people according to their mental faculties to take part in effective management of their health, wellness, and chronic   conditions and maintain their independence despite increasing frailty

Regions involved: Friuli-Venezia Giulia (IT), Carinthia (AT), Baden Württemberg (DE), South Denmark (DK), Tallin (EE), Aragona (ES), Catalonia (ES), Basque Country (ES), Extremadura (ES), Murcia (ES), Valencia (ES), South Karelia (FI), Central Greece (GR), Attica (GR), North-Western Croatia (HR), Veneto (IT), Noord-Brabant (NL), Rotterdam (NL), Uppsala (SE), Amadora (PT), Kraljevo (SR), Northern Ireland (UK) and Scotland (UK).

In this project, AGE is in charge of managing the Users Advisory Board, also including Eurocarers, the European Patients Forum and the European Federation of Nurses. The Board will provide inputs to relevant project activities and deliverables and will organise pilot sites visits all along the project.

For further information:

Project number: 325158

Project acronym: SmartCare

Project full title: Joining up ICT and service processes for quality integrated care in Europe

Starting date: 1 March 2013

Duration: 3 years

SmartCare is funded by CIP-Pilot Actions

The Smartcare Users Advisory Board (UAB) has the primary mission to advise and provide on-going feedback to the Project Team and the Consortium on the needs of current and future users of the Smartcare services. Visits to the pilots are foreseen during the project duration. It is coordinated by AGE Platform Europe.

The UAB includes representatives from: 

  • Older people organisations (AGE Platform Europe)
  • Informal carers (Eurocarers)
  • Patients (European Patient Forum)
  • Nurses (European Federation of nurses)
  • Care professionals (International Federation of integrated care)
  • AOK

Check the news from SmartCare below to get information on the UAB activities.


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