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Think Sooner About Later

The “Think Sooner About Later” (“Pensez plus tôt à plu tard”) project aims at mapping good practices which help people better preparing pension age and old age.

Pensez plus tot a plus tard-logo

Launched in March 2013 with the support of the King Baudouin Foundation, the “Think Sooner About Later” (“Pensez plus tôt à plu tard”) project aimed at mapping good practices which help people better preparing pension age and old age. These good practices were analysed in the project’s final evaluation report: “Think Sooner about Later”- Overview of Initiatives across Europe (also available in French), published in June 2014. The outcome will contribute to a campaign within Belgium to change people’s attitudes towards the preparation of their retirement life, initiated by the King Baudouin Fondation.

For this project AGE cooperated with several of its members to have an overview throughout Europe of current projects and initiatives which help prepare or actively live retirement life. The dissemination of good practice examples shall raise awareness of different stakeholders on local, national and European level, including older persons’ organisations. It will also highlight the benefits these projects have not only for individuals but for the whole society, showing that “thinking sooner about later” will save resources and help people to start actively plan their later life and age in a dignified way.
More than 40 projects in three categories (preparing an active pension life, organising care; preparing the end of life) were collected, discussed and analysed for the final report, which can be read in English and in French.

More information in French on the King Baudouin Foundation website

For more information on AGE involvement in this project, please contact Ilenia Gheno> and Ophélie Durand 

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