Promoting age-friendly environments throughout the European Union: joining forces at EU & local levels

Ensuring synergies between the different levels of governance is of great importance to implement age-friendly environments most effectively across EU countries. AGE Platform Europe seized the occasion of two events last January to highlight the links between the work carried out at local level and the policy context at EU and global level.

Interreg-TAAFE-logo As member of the Advisory Board of the Interreg Project “Towards an alpine age-friendly environments (T.A.A.F.E)”, AGE presented to the partners of the consortium the current political situation at EU level as well as the latest development around the Decade of Healthy Ageing. T.A.A.F.E aims at enhancing the capacities of public authorities and service providers to develop sustainable age-friendly environments. The project is coordinated by the municipality of Treviso (Italy) and involved partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland. AGE supports the project partners by sharing its expertise and knowledge, but we also have a lot to learn from the partners’ concrete experience at local level.

Similarly, we delivered a speech during an event coordinated by the Region Friuli-Venezia-Giulia in Trieste (Italy) on “Active ageing as a tool for social innovation”. This conference was part of the initiatives of the “Knowledge exchange platform” (KEP), a cooperation between the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The aim of he event was to present and share innovative good practices in response to the social challenges that European regions and cities are facing. On that occasion, AGE stressed the importance and complementarity of the links between regional initiatives such as the Active Ageing Charter developed by Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and, the work done by a European networks like AGE at political level but also through the project we are involved in.

Read more on the Trieste event (in Italian) and access the presentations

For further information, please contact Julia Wadoux,

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