What is AGE Barometer?
AGE Barometer assesses on a yearly basis the socio-economic situation of older people across the EU and how this situation underpins the respect of their human rights. It is based on:
- data collected at national level form AGE members,
- statistics collected by the European Union and its agencies.
This assessment is linked to the monitoring of key policy processes at EU and national levels in regards to ageing, such as:
- the EU Pillar of Social Rights,
- the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
- the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA).
Each new edition of AGE Barometer will be used by AGE and its member organisations as an advocacy tool, providing evidence on how the social realities and the respect of human rights in old age evolve in different countries. Our purpose is not to make a classification of EU member states, but to provide a concise overview on how various reforms and legislations relating to ageing succeed in improving the quality of life in old age.
Yearly editions
In its 2023 edition of the Barometer, we analyse the situation of older people in the labour market in 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The report includes country-by-country assessments and AGE’s positions on three areas: support for older people in the labour market, tackling ageism in the workplace and workplaces for all ages.
Read more & download the Barometer (full version + one-pagers)
The 2021 edition of AGE Barometer covers the topics of life-long learning and education, volunteering and intergenerational exchange and consultation and participation.
It collects comments and evidence from AGE members in 15 countries: Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
The 2020 edition of the AGE Barometer contains key information helping to better understand how COVID-19 has worsened the dire situations many older people already experienced before the pandemic. It covers Belgium (Flanders), Cyprus, Czechia, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Slovenia, and also includes two short sections on the specific challenges faced by older Roma and older LGBTI people.
(full version + one-pagers)
Download the Barometer one-pager
The 2019 edition of the AGE Barometer focusses on the issue of : gender equality, support to find employment, age-friendly workplaces, work-life balance, the fight against poverty and social exclusion and adequate income.