Labour market change: State initiatives supporting the labour market integration of older workers – Eurofound

EurofoundReportOlderWorkers_Dec2018_small While the employment rate of older workers has continuously improved over the last decade, data show that unemployed older workers find it harder to get back to work. With Europe’s ageing population, however, and the associated issue of the sustainability of social welfare systems, this situation requires urgent attention.

Eurofound’s recent study on Labour market change: State initiatives supporting the labour market integration of older workers investigates the job displacement of older workers in the form of layoffs, where the termination of the employment relationship is due to economic reasons, and looks at public interventions that seek to support these redundant older workers. This working paper provides some assessment of which mechanisms work better and which less so when it comes to retaining older workers in the labour market or reintegrating them once they are unemployed.

From a worker’s point of view, however, respondents of Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Survey did not seem to have in mind a specific age to end their working life. When asked about the age they wanted to work to, about 20% of all workers (the same proportion of men and women) in the EU28 answered that they would like to work until ‘as late as possible’. Some respondents might have given that answer on the basis of their working conditions and how much they were attached to their job, while others might have been considering their financial situation and anticipating a certain pension sum on retirement.To find out more about the difference between the statutory retirement age and the desired retirement age, click here.

AGE contributed to this report as part of the expert advisory panel.

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