AGE review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing

Adopted in April 2002, the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) is a comprehensive action plan bringing governments, civil society and other stakeholders together for building a society for all ages. The MIPAA is the first global agreement which recognises older people’s contribution to the development of their societies and which invites governments […]

AGE position on Residential care for older persons

AGE policy statement on residential care for older persons examines the findings of the recent research report Care homes for older Europeans: Public, for-profit and non-profit providers, released by Eurofound on 24 November 2017. This report analyses the services provided in public and private care homes and how they differ in terms of the quality, […]

AGE Position on Structural Ageism

Across the European Union there exist laws, policies and practices that reflect ageist prejudices and de-prioritise, disregard or even exclude older people. In this paper, based on a survey gathering the views of some of our 150+ member organisations’ common experiences, AGE wishes to draw attention to persisting forms of structural ageism in Europe and […]

AGE position on the integration of long-term unemployed

This paper follows the publication of the recommendation on the integration of long-term unemployed, initially propsed by the European Commission and adopted by the Council of the European Union in February 2015. AGE followed this process, as older workers (55-65) are most at risk to become long-term unemployed or inactive when their lose their job. […]

AGE Position on Work-life balance

This position paper was released in response to the Commission’s proposals on work-life balance and carers’ leave . AGE welcomes this initiative, which would introduce the right to five days of paid care leave per worker and year to help family members in need. The right to request flexible working conditions and the aim to […]

Manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2019

Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in May 2019, older people and their organisations across the EU adopted their Manifesto during their General Assembly in June 2018. In this Manifesto, AGE members provides recommendations to MEP candidates to help enforce older persons’ equal rights to take an active part in society and to live […]

AGE Human Rights Manifesto

AGE Human Rights Manifesto, adopted by AGE General Assembly in November 2016, was drafted with the direct involvement of more than 100 representative organisations of older people. The document outlines AGE members’ vision on human rights in 7 essential principles that everyone aiming to promote older people’s rights should take into account: Older women and […]

Older Persons’ Self-Advocacy Handbook on human rights

Our new online ‘Older Persons’ Self-Advocacy Handbook’ aims to support the involvement of older persons in all processes that affect their human rights. This publication describes concrete ways on how older people can refer to human rights to influence government policies and measures, so as to be empowered, as self-advocates and through their representative organisations, […]

European Quality framework for long-term care services

The European Quality framework for long-term care services is the final output of the WeDO project, a European Partnership for the wellbeing and dignity of older people, coordinated by AGE from 2010 to 2012. The project, which was awarded by the European Commission (DG EMPL) call for proposal for a pilot project on preventing elder […]

Active Citizens for Europe: A guide to the EU

The publication, launched in the framework of the European Year 2012 of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, provides an overview of the EU legal and political framework that supports older people as well as an update on the EU decision making process. Together with a previous publication published by AGE “Introduction to the European […]

Older people also suffer because of the crisis

This publication builds on the work in the field of social inclusion and social protection carried out by AGE Platform Europe and its member organisations since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008. We have been regularly monitoring the impact of the financial and economic crisis, as well as the austerity measures introduced in […]

Towards an Age-Friendly European Union by 2020

Building on the outcome of a series of three thematic seminars on promoting an age-friendly EU co-organised by AGE with the Committe of the Regions, this publication aims to be a legacy of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012. It seeks to explains what can be done to create an […]

In Support of Active Senior Citizenship across Europe

This publication has been produced as part of the European Year of Citizens 2013 (EYC2013). It explains why and how AGE is working to strengthen civil dialogue on ageing and the involvement of older users in the production of solutions that meet their needs. In the last part of the leaflet, you will also find […]

Towards an age-friendly EU by 2020: From theory to local practice

This publication provides an update on EU action towards an age-friendly UE by 2020 (Part I) as well as examples of good practices in the fields of employment, social protection reforms, use of new technologies, transport and housing infrastructure, promotion of tourism and social participation (Part II), which were presented during AGE conference ‘Towards and […]

Guidelines on involving older people in social innovation development

Developed as part of the INNOVAGE project, these guidelines aim to present a strong recommendation for involvement of older people in the planning, development and implementation of social innovations, new ideas meeting social needs and creating new relationships or collaboration. They also provide social innovators with practical tips to incorporate users’ perspectives in the social […]

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