Seniors support seniors at Krakow Senior Center

Krakow Senior Center is based on the “Senior for Seniors” principle and aims to activating and integrating older people. The work of the Centre involves about 20 seniors around 7 work packages…

1.organizing and coordinating the activities of the center, 2.cooperation with media and promotion the center, 3. Cooperation with senior’s clubs, NGOs and parishes, 4.Legal notice, 5. prevention, health, disability, care services, 6. social activation, 7.educational activation, cultural activation, physical activation.

The main objectives of the initiative are:

  • Social participation: increase the number of older people who are socially active
  • Respect and social inclusion: increase in number of policies/strategies targeted at older people
  • Civic participation: increase in possibilities for active civic participation of older people

More information (in Polish)

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