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Study on the long-term care systems in the Western Balkans


Red_Cross_Serbia-logo-round AGE member the Red Cross of Serbia is coordinating the project “Strengthening the resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters” supported by the European Union, Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross. As part of this project, a study on the long-term care systems in the Western Balkans was conducted at the end of 2020, which connected civil society partners from Serbia, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo, as well as large civil society networks representing older persons and persons with disabilities at the level of the European Union.

The aim of this study is to provide insight into the facts that will enable the formulation of recommendations and measures for public policies that will:

  • Increase the capacity of service providers and civil society organisations (CSOs),
  • improve public policies,
  • increase financial benefits to enhance long-term care for older persons and persons with disabilities under normal circumstances, and especially in case of emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

This study report examines the situation regarding long term care in the Western Balkans, including a comparative overview that shows similarities and differences to enable mutual learning and search for solutions. The report defines the long-term care in the Western Balkans, looks at long-term regulation, management and financing in those regions, as well as at the formal care and the informal care, the latter remaining the dominant form of long-term care.

This study is based on the data collected in several phases and by applying several methods, including desk research, qualitative research and quantitative research.

In addition to the regional study, local studies were developed for each project site within the initiative.

Download the study ‘Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans’:

For more information, you can contact Philippe Seidel:

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