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The European Parliament calls for standards taking into account demographic ageing

Front Page European Parliament Resolution 2017 Last July 4, the European Parliament issued a resolution on the European Commission’s standardisation package called “European Standards for the 21st century”. This resolution warrants AGE participation in standardisation alongside the European consumer voice ANEC and the European Disability Forum.

In the resolution, the European Parliament stresses that “demographic ageing in Europe requires systematic incorporation of the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable members of society, in the development of standards, which are a suitable tool to help achieve an active and healthy society in Europe and to increase the accessibility of products and services for people” (Item 64).

More cooperation for inclusive standards

The resolution also gives strategic recommendations (Items 71-85) that include a call for cooperation among different bodies, institutions and European countries. In this context, the PROGRESSIVE workshop on “Making ICT standards fit for Active and Healthy Ageing in Europe” that will take place next 19 October is even more timely. Anyone willing to ensure that older people are heard in standardisation is more than welcome to join.

AGE, as a liaison organisation with the European Standardisation Organisation CEN-CENELEC, will keep working for inclusive standards to stay at the top of the European agenda, especially in groups working on Design for All and the Built environment.

Read the European Parliament resolution here

For more information on PROGRESSIVE: or contact Estelle Huchet

For more information on AGE position on standardisation:

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