The European Union now has its first ever Commissioner dedicated to Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport, Glenn Micallef, whose priority is to prepare a Strategy on Intergenerational Fairness that takes ‘takes fully into consideration the impact of today’s decisions on future generations, and seeks feedback from all age groups.’
On 20 February 2025, European Commissioner Glenn Micallef kicked off the Intergenerational Fairness Strategy (Strategy) consultative process, the opportunity for AGE Platform Europe and its members to bring the voices of older persons to the table, and make sure that their experiences and perspectives are fully taken into account.
What are the objectives of the Strategy?
Commissioner Glen Micallef mentioned key objectives of the Intergenerational Fairness Strategy:
- It will be about sustainable development, housing, fair and sustainable pensions, public services that do not discriminate people when they grow older, employment, climate change, artificial intelligence, demography and social policies.
- A strong focus was put on empowering younger generations, despite emphasizing that every generation will be able to take part in the process.
- It will seek to mainstreaming intergenerational fairness in other European Union policies.
The Strategy will be presented during the first semester of 2026.
How to contribute to the Strategy?
The European Commission – mainly the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture together with the Joint Research Centre – have already organised an in-person and online workshops to brainstorm ideas and gather initiatives that already exist out there. Other participatory events will be organise and AGE Platform Europe will follow closely the consultative process in each of its phases.
In addition, the European Commission also launched a citizen consultation.
Save the Date: 17 June 2025, AGE Annual Conference on Intergenerational Solidarity
Fostering dialogue and cooperation between different age groups is crucial to combat ageism and age discrimination, promote social cohesion, enhance awareness of experiences, perspectives and challenges shared among different generations.
This why AGE Platform Europe decided to dedicate its Annual Conference on Intergenerational Solidarity in Europe – Multistakeholder Dialogue. It will take place on 17 June 2025 from 09:30 to 13:00 in Leuven. You can already register here.
This Annual Conference will seek to contribute to the Intergenerational Fairness Strategy, discuss the common goals and issues that younger and older generations share, and how older people contribute to our society on an equal footing with other generations to face current and future challenges.