Towards a professional curriculum for Age-Friendly Cities

AGE Platform Europe, CEOMA and Anziani Non Solo teamed up with AFEdemy, Mensajeros de la Paz and SoSu under the Age-Friendly Toolkit (AFC Toolkit) Erasmus+ project.

With the goal to develop educational materials (app and training course) and to set up the profile of a professional for inclusive ageing in age-friendly cities, the project partner gathered in Gouda (The Netherlands) on March 9th-10th 2023.

The meeting allowed partners to take stock of national case studies covering the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and Spain and to set the basis for a consolidated international report, that AGE members and experts will have the chance to review and comment in the coming months.

More information will be available on social media following the hashtag #agefriendlycity# and on the project website.

If interested in following this up, do not hesitate to contact It will be a pleasure to cooperate with external stakeholders for building a comprehensive professional curriculum for age-friendly cities and citizens.



Ilenia Gheno

Project Manager

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