Towards community-friendly plans: lessons learnt from the ENGAGED user forum

Engaged logo-SMALLAn exchange event and user forum was organised in Letterkenny (IE) on 21st October by the ENGAGED Thematic network project (CIP ICT PSP), thanks to the key contributions of AER – Assembly of European Regions, AGE Platform Europe and EHTEL.

In the framework of a series of events organised by the Assembly of European Regions with the theme “e-health, independence and inclusion and the role of regions for active and healthy ageing policies”, this workshop was not only an occasion of get-to-know each other and exchange information, but also the starting point of something concrete: after the introduction section by Soo Hun on knowledge creation, the workshop’s participants worked in groups to come up with suggestions for and make their own contributions to community-friendly plans, each of them from their particular perspective. Three working groups have discussed about active and healthy ageing in the community, at home and the environments for active and healthy ageing.

The report of the event can be downloaded here, while the most active participants of each table will be invited to the ENGAGED conference in Brussels, on 25 November 2014: They will have the opportunity to share what they exchanged and learnt with the others and to support the discussion around age-friendly communities.

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