DOREMI logoMalnutrition, sedentariness and cognitive decline are the three main causes of disease and premature death. Researchers in the Doremi project are studying early warning signs of malnutrition as well as physical and cognitive deterioration and are looking at possible solutions to improve older people’s quality of life.


Monitoring lifestyle changes among older people

A group of older participants taking part in a pilot study in Italy and in the UK will be introduced to food intake measurements, personalised metabolic control, exergames (video games that are also a form of physical exercise), social interaction stimulation and cognitive training programmes.

By recording and monitoring information about the use of the lifestyle-changing tools and programmes, it will be possible to track user performance over long periods, providing early warning of signs of malnutrition, physical and cognitive deterioration.


Designing products to prolong older people’s functional and cognitive capacity

The collected data will be used by the project members to develop different products, which can prolong older people’s functional and cognitive capacity by empowering, stimulating and subtly monitoring their daily activities.


AGE makes older people’s concerns heard

AGE Platform Europe works for ensuring that older people’s needs and concerns are heard in the project and that the activities run in the pilots are respectful of older people’s wishes and comply with ethical requirements.

Besides, AGE is in charge of the dissemination activities of the project. In particular we work:

  • to assess the expected impacts of the project at European level in relation to the emerging trends of the ageing population in the EU;
  • to disseminate the project outcomes in EU countries at large through social media and targeted actions; and
  • to design and to set up an exploitation process of the project results in line with the wishes of Doremi project members and the characteristics of the ageing marketplaces in the EU.



More information about Doremi

Doremi is an acronym for “Decrease of cognitive decline, malnutrition and sedentariness by elderly empowerment in lifestyle management and social inclusion.” The project is funded under the EU’s 7th framework programme. It was kicked off in December 2013 and will run for three years.

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